Employment information


Income earned in the USA is taxable. Students who obtain jobs, either on or off campus, 必须先通知DSO以取得工作授权,并要求信函申请 social security number.


F-1 students may work on campus, with the permission of the DSO, 上课期间每周最多20小时, 并且可以在学校放假期间全职工作. 课程结束后,学生不得继续在校工作.


F-1学生在美国完成一个完整学年的学习后才能在校外工作. If you are interested in an internship, practical training or other types of work off campus, you must apply for permission through the DSO. Make an appointment to discuss options, 获得许可并确保遵循适当的程序.



A. Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

CPT是与你所学专业直接相关的临时实习授权. CPT可以是兼职(每周20小时)或全职(每周40小时)。. 如果你有12个月的全职CPT工作,你将没有资格申请OPT. CPT must be authorized by the DSO. 在从事CPT之前未能获得DSO许可是一种身份违规,并将以“未经授权的就业”为由终止您的学生身份。.

  • 1. Curricular Practical training can include:
  • (a) Internships (paid or unpaid) related to your major
  • (b) Training programs or Practicums related to your major
  • (c) Employment related to your major
  • .
  • 2. Eligibility for CPT:
  • (a) Complete one full academic year prior to beginning CPT
  • (b) CPT必须是你的学术课程的必要组成部分. You must register for credit for an internship, independent study, special problems/topics, or another course approved by your academic advisor.
  • (c)从雇主那里获得一份与你所学专业直接相关的书面工作邀请, which provides a description of the training activities, the location of the training, and the beginning and ending dates.
  • (d)完成实习包,并获得学术顾问的批准, the Provost, the Registrar, the Business Office, and your DSO.
  • (e)从您的DSO处获得更新的I-20,其中有第二页注明的CPT授权.
  • (f)在你收到更新后的I-20表格之前,你可能不会开始工作.

B. Optional Practical Training (OPT)

OPT允许F-1学生获得与其学习计划直接相关的工作经验. OPT可以是学位前完成或学位后完成. 在学校上课期间,完成前OPT每周限制为20小时. Post-completion OPT may be either full time or part time.

  • 1. Duration of OPT is 12 months
  • STEM延期OPT最多可再延长24个月. STEM专业包括:科学、技术、工程和数学.
  • 2. Eligibility for OPT:
  • (a)在开始OPT之前完成一个完整学年
  • (b) OPT必须与你的主修领域直接相关
  • (c)从DSO处获得更新后的I-20表格,表格第二页注明了OPT申请.
  • (d) Complete the I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, pay the filing fee of $410.00, and submit supporting documents.
  • (e) A job offer is not required prior to applying for OPT; however, 在工作许可文件(EAD)签发后,你的失业累计不能超过90天, 在STEM延期期间累计失业天数不超过120天.
  • (f) Employment may not begin until you receive the EAD.

F-1学生(墨西哥或加拿大边境通勤学生除外)经历严重的, 因学生无法控制的意外情况而造成的经济困难, may apply for off-campus work authorization. 在学校上课期间,每周工作时间不超过20小时, 并且可能是全日制的,而学校在假期期间不上课.

  • 1. Economic Hardship can include:
  • (a) Substantial and unexpected expenses.
  • (b) Medical bills
  • (d)学生资助来源的经济状况发生意外变化
  • (d) Inordinate increases in tuition and/or living costs,
  • (e)货币价值或汇率大幅波动
  • (f)无过错的学生失去经济资助或在校工作.
  • .
  • 2. 经济困难就业许可资格:
  • (a) Complete one full academic year in F-1 status
  • (b)具有良好的学术地位,并参加了完整的课程学习
  • (c)就业不得妨碍完整的学习过程
  • (d)就业是避免严重经济困难的必要条件
  • (e)校园就业必须无法获得或不足以满足由于不可预见的情况而产生的需要.
  • (f) Obtain an updated I-20 from your DSO, 哪一个在第二页注明了经济困难就业许可申请.
  • (g) Complete the I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, pay the filing fee of $410.00, and submit supporting documents.
  • .
  • 3. 经济困难就业许可指引:
  • (a)持续时间-每次12个月(可续期),或直至项目结束日期.
  • (b)如果学生转学到另一所学校,授权终止.
  • (c) Employment can be in any job; does not have to be related to major field of study
  • (d)在申请就业许可之前不需要工作邀请
  • (e) Employment may not begin until you receive the EAD.

F-1学生可在《赌钱游戏官方网站》所界定的国际组织实习[22 USC 288]. SEVP international organization internship employment FAQs

  • 1. 有资格在国际组织实习
  • (a) Student is eligible as soon he or she is in F-1 status; no waiting period.
  • (b)在课程完成日期之前,仅在学生处于F-1状态时可用.
  • (c) Must be with a qualified organization: C.2.1 List of International Organizations
  • (d) Granted in increments of one year.
  • (e) Limited to 20 hours per week during school sessions; may be full-time during breaks.
  • (f) Does not have to be related to course of study.
  • .
  • 2. 国际组织实习指南
  • (a)必须有合格的国际组织的书面聘用通知书.
  • (b) Obtain an updated I-20 from your DSO, 哪一个在第二页注明了国际组织的就业许可申请.
  • (c) Complete the I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, pay the filing fee of $410.00, and submit supporting documents.
  • (d) Must receive EAD before employment begins.
  • (e)在就业期间必须参加完整的课程学习.